Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Penerbitan Buku Reformasi Pelayanan Publik

BIROKRASI yang buruk menjadi salah satu masalah terakut di Indonesia. Rendahnya kinerja pelayanan publik dan minimnya kualitas sumberdaya aparatur seperti tidak pernah ada akhirnya. Mulai dari KKN sampai dengan sistem birokrasi yang buruk menjadi hambatan (red tape barries) dalam mewujudkan birokrasi yang pro terhadap kepentingan rakyat banyak.

Berakhirnya masa Orde Baru di Indonesia sempat memberikan angin segar terhadap pembentukan birokrasi yang bersih. Salah satu indikatornya, birokrasi tidak lagi menjadi bagian dari politik paktis. Telah menjadi pelajaran bahwa pergumulan kekuatan politik dan birokrasi tidak hanya merusak kinerja birokrasi, namun menghancurkan proses politik itu sendiri.

Menurut Soebhan (2000), ada beberapa aspek negatif yang bisa dikaji ulang sebagai bagian dari dampak keberpihakan birokrasi terhadap politik di Indonesia. Pertama, terjadi keterpasungan pegawai birokrasi dalam kehidupan politik, khususnya akibat yang menimpanya jika memilih partai selain Golongan Karya (Golkar). Secara langsung, budaya ini akan membentuk semacam mindset ketidaksadaran bahwa birokrasi lebih diarahkan pada “pelayanan” politik daripada pengabdian pada rakyat. Kedua, condongnya birokrasi terhadap politik mengakibatkan ancaman-ancaman struktural dibanding fungsional. Oleh karena itu, profesionalisme kerja menjadi terbengkalai. Karena birokrat lebih sibuk memikirkan kenaikan pangkat, misalnya, daripada serius membenahi sistem pelayanan untuk masyarakat.

Public Service in the Reform Era

The journey of reform has entered the tenth year, and the fundamental demands of the reform is also one of them memperbaikan public service that has been very dilapidated and much in it of discrimination under the New Order. Public Service is defined as, the provision of services (serving) the purposes of the person or people who have an interest in the organization in accordance with basic rules and ordinances that have been determined. The essence of government is service to the people and he is not to serve ourselves but to provide services to ralyat. So are the servants of the people. Public services by perwujuda bureaucracy is one of the functions of the state apparatus as a servant of the state.
After the reform era, the challenge of bureaucracy as a provider of services to people experiencing a dynamic growth in line with changes within society itself. People are increasingly aware of what they are entitled to and what was his duty as a citizen in society, nation and state. Behind it, people are increasingly daring filed demands, wishes and aspirations to the government. Demands for reform, bureaucracy is required to change the position and role (revitalization) in providing public services.
First, the bureaucracy rather regulate and govern the flow was changed to like to serve, first using the power of the approach should be changed to helpful moving towards a more flexible kolaboratis and dialogue as well as the first of the ways that sloganis ways of working towards a more realistic pragmatic. Through this revitalization, public bureaucracy are expected to be better in providing public services and become more professional in carrying out its duties and authority. There are several main functions that must be run by the government regardless of its level, namely: first, the function of public servants (public service function), second; function development (development function), the third function of protection (protection function).
Face the public during the New Order bureaucracy as servants of the people are very far from the expected. In pratika service delivery, people occupy an unfavorable position. Various complaints and public dissatisfaction with public services shows the pressure on the repair or renewal of meaning both from the substance of the relationship between the state - society and government - the people as well as internal improvements within the public bureaucracy was sendiri.1 Gasperz (1994) in Agung Kurniawan said the ministry has different characteristics with the output of goods which do not form (intangible outputs), not standard and can not be stored in inventory but can be consumed directly during production. So seen from this, as an intangible service output has dimensions that are different from tangible goods. The end product of service has no physical characteristics as possessed goods. The output depends on the interaction process between service to the consumer.
In order to achieve a good public service is a lot of things that need to be repaired and any 1 Kurniawan, General, Public Service Transformation, Renewal, Matter I Year 2005, p. 6-7. The only reform the bureaucracy. Bureaucracy must be able to reduce the burden of decision making by dividing it to more people which allows more decisions are made down or to the periphery rather than mengkonsentrasikannya at the center that eventually became stressed and depressed so that it does not function well in providing public services. This decentralization will create a bureaucracy that is more flexible, effective, innovative, and work motivation rather than centralized. With the arrival of delegations lower strata daristrategic apex (top leader) to the operation apex (bureaucrat executive) needs to be realized, given the operation apex is the people who come into contact with the public as service users publik.Sebagai example, in terms of handling the issuance of birth or other that had been held by the District was able to delegate to the District in order to create public service that is faster, more flexible and does not require a long and complicated procedure so as to make the community eventually becomes easy and easy care.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


EMBRIOLOGI adalah ilmu yang mempelajari manusia ketika di dalam janin.

Bayi manusia memerlukan pemeliharaan dan perawatan ibunya,proses menyusui terjadi pada saat bayi masih dalam umur 6-9 bulan,3 3 tahun.Perubahan yg sistematis dr masa bayi khususnya pada masa pubertas .anak laki’’dan perempuan berbeda karen secara biologis peranan mereka berbeda.

Perkembangan sifat dan pikiran manusia

Cra seorang dewasa memburu pengetahuan didasari oleh caranya dulu.

1)Masa Bayi 0-2 tahun
Perkembnagan kecerdasan sangat cepat dgn gerakan’’ia belajar memadukan keterangan melalui semua alat indera.

2)Masa Kanak-Kanak (2-7 tahun)
Keterampilan berbahasa lisan ,masa bertanya ,rasa ingin tahulambang digunakan untuk mengumgkapakan sesuatu.

3)Masa usia sekolah (7-11) tahun
Amat aktif karena perkembangan fisik dan motorik baik.penalaran mulai memaki logika.

4) Masa remaja (9-11) tahun
Berusaha untuk mengekpresikan diri sebagai seorang dewasa.telah mampu bernalar dan berehipotesis .pernyataan yg belum tentu kebenaran nya.

5)Masa dewasa (20) tahun keatas
Kemampuan untuk berdiri sendiri mampu mengontrol perilaku,temuan dirrinya sebagai anggota kelompokdan sebagi individu yg bertangghung jawab .

Sejarah pengetahuan yang diperoleh manusia

1)Zaaman purba
Alat dari batu ,masa bercocok tanam ,dan bertenak.merupakan pengalaman dan kmampuan untuk mmengamati alam sekitar .pengetahuan yg diperoleh sampai zaman babilonia

2)Zaman YUnani(600-200) msahi
Bbrapa pakar yg berpengaruh:
Thales (624-548) bintang bersinar,bulan pantrul matahari
Phytagoras(580-500) bumi bulat 4 unsur utama (air,api,udara,tanah)
Socrates(470-399) tonggak ilmu pengetahuan ,pnganut faham logika.
Silogisme sutu pikiran yg terdiri dari 3premis

3)Zaman Pertengahan
Dikembangkan metode eksperimmen menyankgut bidang kedokteran ,farmsai ,astroniomi,kimia dan biolgi.penulisan bilangan arab dan desilmalmemuncilkan ilmu aljbar

3)Zaman Moedrn
Bnyk penemiuan yg menghubah pola pikir yg dibantu dgn alat yg lebih baik.perubah y radikal,geosentrisme ke heliosentrisme.oleh coppernicus (1447-1543) dan didukunhg olleh gallieleo
Dianggap sebagi titik awal ip modern dan membuka cara berpikier yg lebih maju.