The journey of reform has entered the tenth year, and the fundamental demands of the reform is also one of them memperbaikan public service that has been very dilapidated and much in it of discrimination under the New Order. Public Service is defined as, the provision of services (serving) the purposes of the person or people who have an interest in the organization in accordance with basic rules and ordinances that have been determined. The essence of government is service to the people and he is not to serve ourselves but to provide services to ralyat. So are the servants of the people. Public services by perwujuda bureaucracy is one of the functions of the state apparatus as a servant of the state.
After the reform era, the challenge of bureaucracy as a provider of services to people experiencing a dynamic growth in line with changes within society itself. People are increasingly aware of what they are entitled to and what was his duty as a citizen in society, nation and state. Behind it, people are increasingly daring filed demands, wishes and aspirations to the government. Demands for reform, bureaucracy is required to change the position and role (revitalization) in providing public services.
First, the bureaucracy rather regulate and govern the flow was changed to like to serve, first using the power of the approach should be changed to helpful moving towards a more flexible kolaboratis and dialogue as well as the first of the ways that sloganis ways of working towards a more realistic pragmatic. Through this revitalization, public bureaucracy are expected to be better in providing public services and become more professional in carrying out its duties and authority. There are several main functions that must be run by the government regardless of its level, namely: first, the function of public servants (public service function), second; function development (development function), the third function of protection (protection function).
Face the public during the New Order bureaucracy as servants of the people are very far from the expected. In pratika service delivery, people occupy an unfavorable position. Various complaints and public dissatisfaction with public services shows the pressure on the repair or renewal of meaning both from the substance of the relationship between the state - society and government - the people as well as internal improvements within the public bureaucracy was sendiri.1 Gasperz (1994) in Agung Kurniawan said the ministry has different characteristics with the output of goods which do not form (intangible outputs), not standard and can not be stored in inventory but can be consumed directly during production. So seen from this, as an intangible service output has dimensions that are different from tangible goods. The end product of service has no physical characteristics as possessed goods. The output depends on the interaction process between service to the consumer.
In order to achieve a good public service is a lot of things that need to be repaired and any 1 Kurniawan, General, Public Service Transformation, Renewal, Matter I Year 2005, p. 6-7. The only reform the bureaucracy. Bureaucracy must be able to reduce the burden of decision making by dividing it to more people which allows more decisions are made down or to the periphery rather than mengkonsentrasikannya at the center that eventually became stressed and depressed so that it does not function well in providing public services. This decentralization will create a bureaucracy that is more flexible, effective, innovative, and work motivation rather than centralized. With the arrival of delegations lower strata daristrategic apex (top leader) to the operation apex (bureaucrat executive) needs to be realized, given the operation apex is the people who come into contact with the public as service users publik.Sebagai example, in terms of handling the issuance of birth or other that had been held by the District was able to delegate to the District in order to create public service that is faster, more flexible and does not require a long and complicated procedure so as to make the community eventually becomes easy and easy care.
Delegating tasks to greater District will provide much greater benefits so that the Regents as a political leader made no fuss, this delegation will give a lot of significant changes according to demand reforms that create better public services.
The era of decentralization (local autonomy) is now a good momentum in order to also perform renewal of public bureaucratic structures in areas of more decentralized and not surrounded by many organizations and too procedural rules so that power users become more flexible in using the discretion that adaptive changes in the environment, including the demands of improved service public. So organizational structure complicated and too scary society must be changed to a simpler and more social so that public services in an era of reform can be achieved with good and satisfactory society. Mindset in designing the structure of the Indonesian government bureaucracy has also been wrong all this time. Hierarchy starting from the center of the country until kepelosok Jakarta Indonesia is designed to make it easy to control the system of government so citizens are not engaged in activities contrary to government interests. Maybe this is the relic of colonial bureaucratic model where citizens tend to regard as ancaman.2 Changes in the procedures of community service during the new order tend to be straightforward so that impede public access to public services that are reasonable and fair also will not be achieved without a change in mission and culture bureaucracy. Mission bureaucracy which so far is to control the behavior so it is difficult to develop public services must be changed through easier access to citizens' access to use public services. During this time many citizens can not follow a fair procedure Indonesia.Apabila public services in terms of service, the enactment of Law No. 22 About Governance 2 Agus Dwiyanto (editor), Achieve Good Governance Through Public Service, Gadjah Mada University Press, 2005, p. 30.Daerah since January 1, 2001, which has given the expansion of authority at local government level, is seen as an effort to cut bureaucratic barriers that often lead to service delivery takes a long time and high cost. With decentralization, local governments would not want to be able to implement the various authorities which were held by the central government, along with services to be provided.
in consequence, local governments are required to be better able to serve the lebihberkualitas, in a sense is more oriented to people's aspirations, more efficient, effective and responsible (accountable). In other words the implementation of regional autonomy is also an effort to improves the quality of service. In the context of this decentralization, public services should become more responsifterhadap public interest. The paradigm of public services that are developed from service to service a more centralized focus on customer satisfaction oriented management (customerdriven government) characterized by: (a) more focus on the regulatory function through a variety of policies that facilitate the development of conditions conducive to service activity to the community, (b) more focus on community empowerment so that people have to have a high sense of service facilities which have been built together, (c) implement competition in the provision of certain public services so that people obtain a quality service, (d ) focused on achieving the vision, mission, goals and results-oriented goals (outcomes) in accordance with the input model, (e) prefers what is desired by the community, (f) in certain cases the government also serves to obtain opinions from the community of services performed, (g), prefers terhada anticipate service issues, (h) prefers desetralisasi in implementation services, and (i) implement a market system in providing pelayanan.Namun on the other hand, the public service also has several properties, among others: (1 ) has a clear legal basis in its implementation, (2) has a wide stakeholders, (3) has a social purpose, (4) untukakuntabel prosecuted to the public, (5) has a complex and debated performance indicators, and (6) is often the target of a political issue. The main problem is basically a public service associated with an increased kualitaspelayanan itself. Service quality depends on various aspects, namely how the pattern of its implementation (governance), human resources, and institutional. Viewed from the side of the pattern of its implementation, public service still has many weaknesses, among others: a. Less responsive. This condition occurs in almost all levels of service elements, ranging padatingkatan care workers (front line) up to the level of responsible agencies. Responterhadap various grievances, aspirations, and societal expectations are often slow or even diabaikansama sekali.b. Less informative. A variety of information that should be conveyed to the public, slow or even not until the masyarakat.c. Less accessible. Various units of the services are located far from the reach of the community, making it difficult for those who need the services tersebut.d. Lack of coordination. Various units of service associated with each other very kurangberkoordinasi. As a result, there is often overlap or conflict between one instansipelayanan policy with other service agencies terkait.e. Bureaucratic. Services (especially services licensing) is generally conducted through prosesyang consists of various levels, leading to completion of service that is too lama.Dalam connection with the completion of service problems, the possibility of service staff (front line staff) to be able to solve problems is very small, and on the other hand possibility of the community to bertemudengan responsible ministry, in order to resolve problems that occur when pelayanandiberikan, is also very difficult. As a result, many problems require long periods of service untukdiselesaikan.f. Less willing to hear complaints / suggestions / aspirations of the community. In general, ministry officials kurangmemiliki willingness to hear complaints / suggestions / aspirations of the community. As a result, pelayanandilaksanakan with what is, without any improvement from time to waktu.g. Inefficient. Various requirements are needed (especially in the service of licensing) are often tidakrelevan with services provided. Viewed from the side of human resources, its main weakness is related to the professionalism, competence, empathy and ethics. Various views also agree that one of the elements is a matter perludipertimbangkan tepat.Dilihat compensation system from the institutional side, the main weakness lies in the organizational design does not dirancangkhusus in order to award service to the community, full of hierarchy that makes the service becomes convoluted ( bureaucratic), and uncoordinated. The tendency to perform two functions, the function of regulation and function of organizing, is still very thick conducted by the government, which also causes the public service becomes not efisien.Kiranya through some of the above changes in public services both in the era of reform can be achieved.
After the reform era, the challenge of bureaucracy as a provider of services to people experiencing a dynamic growth in line with changes within society itself. People are increasingly aware of what they are entitled to and what was his duty as a citizen in society, nation and state. Behind it, people are increasingly daring filed demands, wishes and aspirations to the government. Demands for reform, bureaucracy is required to change the position and role (revitalization) in providing public services.
First, the bureaucracy rather regulate and govern the flow was changed to like to serve, first using the power of the approach should be changed to helpful moving towards a more flexible kolaboratis and dialogue as well as the first of the ways that sloganis ways of working towards a more realistic pragmatic. Through this revitalization, public bureaucracy are expected to be better in providing public services and become more professional in carrying out its duties and authority. There are several main functions that must be run by the government regardless of its level, namely: first, the function of public servants (public service function), second; function development (development function), the third function of protection (protection function).
Face the public during the New Order bureaucracy as servants of the people are very far from the expected. In pratika service delivery, people occupy an unfavorable position. Various complaints and public dissatisfaction with public services shows the pressure on the repair or renewal of meaning both from the substance of the relationship between the state - society and government - the people as well as internal improvements within the public bureaucracy was sendiri.1 Gasperz (1994) in Agung Kurniawan said the ministry has different characteristics with the output of goods which do not form (intangible outputs), not standard and can not be stored in inventory but can be consumed directly during production. So seen from this, as an intangible service output has dimensions that are different from tangible goods. The end product of service has no physical characteristics as possessed goods. The output depends on the interaction process between service to the consumer.
In order to achieve a good public service is a lot of things that need to be repaired and any 1 Kurniawan, General, Public Service Transformation, Renewal, Matter I Year 2005, p. 6-7. The only reform the bureaucracy. Bureaucracy must be able to reduce the burden of decision making by dividing it to more people which allows more decisions are made down or to the periphery rather than mengkonsentrasikannya at the center that eventually became stressed and depressed so that it does not function well in providing public services. This decentralization will create a bureaucracy that is more flexible, effective, innovative, and work motivation rather than centralized. With the arrival of delegations lower strata daristrategic apex (top leader) to the operation apex (bureaucrat executive) needs to be realized, given the operation apex is the people who come into contact with the public as service users publik.Sebagai example, in terms of handling the issuance of birth or other that had been held by the District was able to delegate to the District in order to create public service that is faster, more flexible and does not require a long and complicated procedure so as to make the community eventually becomes easy and easy care.
Delegating tasks to greater District will provide much greater benefits so that the Regents as a political leader made no fuss, this delegation will give a lot of significant changes according to demand reforms that create better public services.
The era of decentralization (local autonomy) is now a good momentum in order to also perform renewal of public bureaucratic structures in areas of more decentralized and not surrounded by many organizations and too procedural rules so that power users become more flexible in using the discretion that adaptive changes in the environment, including the demands of improved service public. So organizational structure complicated and too scary society must be changed to a simpler and more social so that public services in an era of reform can be achieved with good and satisfactory society. Mindset in designing the structure of the Indonesian government bureaucracy has also been wrong all this time. Hierarchy starting from the center of the country until kepelosok Jakarta Indonesia is designed to make it easy to control the system of government so citizens are not engaged in activities contrary to government interests. Maybe this is the relic of colonial bureaucratic model where citizens tend to regard as ancaman.2 Changes in the procedures of community service during the new order tend to be straightforward so that impede public access to public services that are reasonable and fair also will not be achieved without a change in mission and culture bureaucracy. Mission bureaucracy which so far is to control the behavior so it is difficult to develop public services must be changed through easier access to citizens' access to use public services. During this time many citizens can not follow a fair procedure Indonesia.Apabila public services in terms of service, the enactment of Law No. 22 About Governance 2 Agus Dwiyanto (editor), Achieve Good Governance Through Public Service, Gadjah Mada University Press, 2005, p. 30.Daerah since January 1, 2001, which has given the expansion of authority at local government level, is seen as an effort to cut bureaucratic barriers that often lead to service delivery takes a long time and high cost. With decentralization, local governments would not want to be able to implement the various authorities which were held by the central government, along with services to be provided.
in consequence, local governments are required to be better able to serve the lebihberkualitas, in a sense is more oriented to people's aspirations, more efficient, effective and responsible (accountable). In other words the implementation of regional autonomy is also an effort to improves the quality of service. In the context of this decentralization, public services should become more responsifterhadap public interest. The paradigm of public services that are developed from service to service a more centralized focus on customer satisfaction oriented management (customerdriven government) characterized by: (a) more focus on the regulatory function through a variety of policies that facilitate the development of conditions conducive to service activity to the community, (b) more focus on community empowerment so that people have to have a high sense of service facilities which have been built together, (c) implement competition in the provision of certain public services so that people obtain a quality service, (d ) focused on achieving the vision, mission, goals and results-oriented goals (outcomes) in accordance with the input model, (e) prefers what is desired by the community, (f) in certain cases the government also serves to obtain opinions from the community of services performed, (g), prefers terhada anticipate service issues, (h) prefers desetralisasi in implementation services, and (i) implement a market system in providing pelayanan.Namun on the other hand, the public service also has several properties, among others: (1 ) has a clear legal basis in its implementation, (2) has a wide stakeholders, (3) has a social purpose, (4) untukakuntabel prosecuted to the public, (5) has a complex and debated performance indicators, and (6) is often the target of a political issue. The main problem is basically a public service associated with an increased kualitaspelayanan itself. Service quality depends on various aspects, namely how the pattern of its implementation (governance), human resources, and institutional. Viewed from the side of the pattern of its implementation, public service still has many weaknesses, among others: a. Less responsive. This condition occurs in almost all levels of service elements, ranging padatingkatan care workers (front line) up to the level of responsible agencies. Responterhadap various grievances, aspirations, and societal expectations are often slow or even diabaikansama sekali.b. Less informative. A variety of information that should be conveyed to the public, slow or even not until the masyarakat.c. Less accessible. Various units of the services are located far from the reach of the community, making it difficult for those who need the services tersebut.d. Lack of coordination. Various units of service associated with each other very kurangberkoordinasi. As a result, there is often overlap or conflict between one instansipelayanan policy with other service agencies terkait.e. Bureaucratic. Services (especially services licensing) is generally conducted through prosesyang consists of various levels, leading to completion of service that is too lama.Dalam connection with the completion of service problems, the possibility of service staff (front line staff) to be able to solve problems is very small, and on the other hand possibility of the community to bertemudengan responsible ministry, in order to resolve problems that occur when pelayanandiberikan, is also very difficult. As a result, many problems require long periods of service untukdiselesaikan.f. Less willing to hear complaints / suggestions / aspirations of the community. In general, ministry officials kurangmemiliki willingness to hear complaints / suggestions / aspirations of the community. As a result, pelayanandilaksanakan with what is, without any improvement from time to waktu.g. Inefficient. Various requirements are needed (especially in the service of licensing) are often tidakrelevan with services provided. Viewed from the side of human resources, its main weakness is related to the professionalism, competence, empathy and ethics. Various views also agree that one of the elements is a matter perludipertimbangkan tepat.Dilihat compensation system from the institutional side, the main weakness lies in the organizational design does not dirancangkhusus in order to award service to the community, full of hierarchy that makes the service becomes convoluted ( bureaucratic), and uncoordinated. The tendency to perform two functions, the function of regulation and function of organizing, is still very thick conducted by the government, which also causes the public service becomes not efisien.Kiranya through some of the above changes in public services both in the era of reform can be achieved.
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