A member of Youth Disaster Preparedness (Taruna Siaga Bencana/Tagana) Umbulharjo Village, District Cangkringan, Sleman regency, Slamet, said, when sweeped on Wednesday morning found a body in a position of prostration in the bathroom of Mbah Maridjan’s house.
“The possibility of the bodies found was Mbah Maridjan, but this is uncertain because of the face and entire body is damaged and difficult to recognize again,” he said.
According to him, the corpse was found in the bathroom of a house in a prostrate position and the falling rubble walls and trees. “Usually Mbah Maridjan’s house is only inhabited by Mbah Maridjan alone,” he said.
He said the conditions in the hamlets around Mbah Maridjan’s residence very badly damaged, nearly all the houses and trees fell.
“This damage is a result of hot clouds and not because lava material,” he explained.
Head of Public Relation and Legal Dr Sardjito Yogyakarta Trisna Heru Nugroho said today Mbah Maridjan corpse was still in the Section of Forensic Medicine Dr Sardjito, Yogyakarta.
Head of Public Relation and Legal Dr Sardjito Yogyakarta Trisna Heru Nugroho said today Mbah Maridjan corpse was still in the Section of Forensic Medicine Dr Sardjito, Yogyakarta.
“The body was taken by SAR team members and into Dr. Sardjito Hospital at around 6:15 pm, the information we get from rescue worker the one that brought, when they were found Mbah Maridjan, he was in condition wearing batik shirt and sarong.
Foto Jenazah mbah marijan sujud. Setelah Indonesia berduka dengan berbagai bencana yang terjadi dan salah satunya merenggut nyawa sesosok juru kunci merapi yaitu mbah marijan .Dikabarkan bahwa mbah marijan meninggal dalam posisi sujud, sehingga hal ini menggundang banyak masyarakat yang ingin melihat foto jenazah mbah marijan sujud tersebut.Kabar yang menyebut Mbah Maridjan meninggal dalam posisi bersujud langsung mengundang rasa penasaran publik dunia maya. Foto jenasah mbah marijan sujud tersebut pun langsung beredar luas di internet.
Sosok yang sudah kaku tersebut tampak diselimuti abu vulkanik dan tergeletak di atas kantong mayat berwarna kuning dalam posisi bersujud. Sementara di kanan dan kirinya tampak tim otopsi sedang melakukan identifikasi.
Mbah Maridjan terkenal karena sebagai juru kunci Gunung Merapi, dia tidak mau mematuhi perintah untuk turun gunung oleh Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. Akibatnya, mata dunia pun terbelalak pada sosok renta yang sangat sederhana ini
pastinya anda semua pada penasaran dengan foto jasad mbah marijan sujud tersebut, silahkan anda lihat foto jenazah mbah marijan sujud tersebut...

Mungkin inilah yang dinamakan meninggal secara syahid...
Semoga Mbah Marijan di terima di sisiNya.....